Monday, December 5, 2011


I'm sorry for the silence. Not much has changed with Cohen and we have been so busy lately. She is now 4 lb 7 oz; 2 kilos is the minimum requirement for her coming home and she hit that number within the last couple of days. She is still breathing completely on her own and the top of her isolet is still popped; she is maintaining her temperature marvelously. Her clothes are so cute on her. She is actually fitting into her preemie clothes.

Cohen is surprising her doctors with how well she is progressing. They don't usually start trying to bottle feed until 35-36 weeks gestation, but Cohen was giving them signs that she was ready to try. She was sucking on her hands and a pacifier, as well as being extremely alert. 

She was almost 33 weeks when she took her first bottle. She only did a few ml's, a couple of times a day. As of yesterday she was eating every other meal from a bottle... the whole meal! The doctor told me this morning that if she is alert today, they are going to try EVERY feeding with a bottle. She is quite the burper... takes after all of us:)

He even told me that she could be home as early as a week and a half from now! I am not prepared AT ALL! We still have to get a carseat, a pack n play/bassinet and ALL of the other things that are required for having a newborn baby.... ahhhh... I am trying not to stress out. We are so beyond thankful to God that she is doing as well as she is. The other stuff will work out, I know. She is so precious and we are thankful that we have been able to hold her and bond with her so much lately. I will continue to update as we get ready to bring her home and I'm sure there will be a ton of pictures to show off once she comes home. This little girl has been a blessing to so many people, already and we know that God will continue His good work through her. 

We love you all and thank you for the continued prayers!


  1. Cohen looks so beautiful! I'm so happy to hear that she's doing well! How amazing that you will probably have her home for Christmas.

  2. When was Cohen's Due Date, Chelce? She sounds so much like Evany it's cracking me up. Evany was supposed to stay in the NICU through Christmas as well but she started nursing at 32 weeks and went home in mid-December at 4 lb 7 ounces. I love the NICU stays that go better than anyone hopes! Still praying for you guys.

  3. Thanks, Christin!

    Ellyn- her due date was Jan 13 (or 18 if you ask her docs). I cannot imagine how you did the NICU with 4 kids. 1 is enough for a lifetime. Coen (or corn, as my autocorrect keeps insisting) looks SO MUCH like Ava. They are all beautiful. Glad you are doing well. Thanks for keeping tabs on my girl :)

  4. We are so happy to hear she is doing well and will be home soon! Merry Christmas Love, Beth and Kevin

  5. I'm so happy to hear that Cohen is doing so well! Y'all have been in my prayers and will continue to be. Children are such and blessing! She is such a beautiful little girl and I know she is one of the most loved babies on the planet! Tell everyone I say hello and send my love!
    Michael Pruitt

  6. She is so sweet! So happy to hear she is doing well! All our family and friends have been praying!

  7. So excited for you all!! She is growing into such a little beauty! I hate to say it, but if she is this alert and ahead of expectations, her sibs are going to have to keep up with her, and not the other way around!

  8. Chelce --
    It's NOT SURPRISING to me, that "Cohen Grace" (she's going to be known by BOTH names, you just CAN'T stop at "Cohen," knowing that she is ONLY HERE because of God's Grace)is doing so well, I mean she was swimming in "prayer-filled ambiotic fluid!" I'm really she didn't "come out" GLOWING with a heavenly light!

    Maybe, she IS! And, mom, how are YOU, doing?

  9. Chelce-
    I am just overjoyed over these pictures and these new updates. God is so good. Cohen is absoluley beautiful. I cannot wait to be there to see her, thinking and praying for you all always..<3 <3 Lots of love
    Dana Paradisis
