My in-laws were graciously willing to watch our 3 big kids for an entire day and night (and then another day) and Brian and I made plans to go to my doctor for my 6 week check up, eat a delicious dinner at a local Italian restaurant and watch the last Harry Potter movie in our hotel room. I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of weeks and I thought I had started my first cycle after having Cohen (TMI? sorry...)but it was getting too heavy and gross. I went to my six week check up and after an exam and ultrasound, found out that my uterus was still extremely thick and there looked to be some blood or tissue stuck in the top of it. I had to go to the hospital (again) for emergency surgery. I was listed as a D&C, possible Uterine Artery Embolization, possible Hysterectomy. I have a very un-fun history of bleeding after a baby (after I had Brooklyn I hemorrhaged and spent a week in the ICU, needing 16 units of blood transfused) so they didn't know what all I would require.
The D&C went well. The doctor said he pulled out a lot of tissue, but we won't know what is was until next Monday during my follow up. We didn't have to do anything else and the only thing that hurt when I woke up from the general anesthesia was my throat from the breathing tube. I was discharged from the recovery room and Brian and I grabbed Carrabba's to-go and headed for the hotel (it was non refundable, and what better place to rest?). We still watched Harry Potter and had a nice, low key night just hanging out. I am now sick from the surgery... my sore throat never got better and turned into what I think is a sinus infection, but as far as the scary bleeding is concerned, I am doing much, much better. Leave it to us to make a quick trip to the hospital for surgery in the middle of our date night, lol :) What can we do but laugh?
Our sweet Coco bean is doing amazingly right now. She is on full feeds and they are decreasing the amount of time she takes her feedings over. Hopefully soon she will be able to try a bottle soon. She is over 3 lb 11 oz, now! I can't believe how big she is getting. You can definitely tell; her little cheeks are chunking up. She is less than one ounce away from doubling her birth weight and has become so kissable.
She was moved to the third floor, lower risk unit. She is allowed to wear clothes now and Mommy got her some cute new onesies from babies r us. Girls really are fun to shop for; it's been a while since I've had a baby girl and I guess I forgot. Everything is so precious. Cohen is still breathing on her own, too.
She had her first eye exam today. It is very common for preemies (90 % of micro preemies) to have something called ROP, which can cause them to be sight impaired or even blind. Cohen does have ROP and while it is still in stage 1- it is on the more severe end of stage one. She will be having weekly eye exams to make sure it isn't getting worse. If it does get worse, she will need treatments to try to lessen the chances of vision problems. Right now, there is a less than 20% chance that she will have serious vision issues. We will be praying for her little eyes to heal.

She should get her first "tub" (little tiny bucket) bath soon. I will be sure to get pictures and post them once we do. I should still only be 32 weeks pregnant, so it is truly fascinating to watch her grow and develop as if she were still in my womb. God has been glorified through my pregnancy and her little life, and there is truly nothing more that we could want. Thank you for continued prayers and support. We love you all.