Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our Little Three Pound Porker

Coco bean will be six weeks old on Saturday. It's hard to believe. She has had a really great week. She now weighs 3 lbs 5 oz. 1500 grams; which is a big deal because now she gets to wear clothes! I only have one (adorable) preemie outfit, but I am going to stop by babies r us on my way home tonight to find her some more. 1500 grams also means we get to swaddle and hold her for 30 minutes, 2 times a day. I am holding her as I type this.

Cohen is now eating just over an ounce every 3 hours, which is the max for her size. She is tolerating it well so far, but we are still holding our breath a little because she has had tummy issues.

Her breathing has been great. She is on 2 liters with her nasal canula. That just means she isn't requiring that much help. She is doing all of her breathing on her own. Our little coco has quite a fondness for her fingers. She claws her face trying to get them in her mouth to suck. It's pretty funny. We gave her the paci tonight and she went to town on it.

The whole Day clan has had a good week so far. I've been happy with the amount of time I've been able to spend with her, and I think Brian is too. I have my 6 week apt tomorrow and Brian is taking the day off so we can relax. My in laws are taking the kids for the whole day AND night! We are going to hang out with Cohen and have a nice date and sleep an entire night, uninterrupted in a hotel ;). I cannot wait!

Thanks for keeping up with us. I'll post pictures of coco bean in her outfit as soon as she wears it. Have a great night!



  1. awww always so anxious to read the updates =) im so happy to hear everything is going well for you and your family...keep me posted =)

  2. I'm always so happy to get updates about Cohen! I was just telling your mom the other day that it's so wonderful seeing this little miracle happening! So thankful that God is hearing all of our prayers and blessing little Cohen!!!! and your family!
